Tribute to Rider
Anna and Brad Ahrens know better than most about going extra miles. Brad flew 1000 miles to scoop up a little GSP peanut, only 2 months old and drive him home to a safe and loving family and a life that this precious pup, his heart so compromised that it couldn’t be repaired, could have only dreamed about.
In Colorado RIDER got his name and his very own family: two brand new brothers, Jed and Casey (both Mile High GSP alums) and Brad and Anna who could hardly wait to show him what unconditional love feels like.
When they first learned about Rider, the vet had him cautioned them in detail. Rider had been born with a congenital heart condition, one that was not reparable, that would take the very best and continual vet care. This vet didn’t realize that he was talking with such an incredibly loving and selfless mama and papa. From the first day he was part of their family, they did everything for Rider, including having the most caring and skilled vet, Alex Robb, as well as a cardiologist and the advice of CSU specialists. Through all of his vet appointments and tender care, their only priority was to let Rider just be a dog, to have the best life any dog could hope for or possibly imagine for as long as he could be with them. And Rider exuberantly rode along for 9 months, having the most wonderful life imaginable with his adoring family: so much playtime and cuddling with Jed and Casey; so many outdoor adventures and camping; eating yummy homemade treats and dinners (crawfish!); picking through the treasure trove of Christmas toys; loving to play in water, wherever it was; snuggling with and kissing everyone who would sit down long enough but especially with his mama and papa. So many people fell in love with this little love-bug and he gave back so much joy and love in return.
The day before Rider passed he was camping with Anna, Brad, Jed and Casey at the foot of the Maroon Bells. What a weekend of adventure they had . . . Rider and his brothers just being dogs – happy, so full of spirit and fun – with their proud and delighted mama and papa. The next day, Sunday, June 23, precious Rider passed unexpectedly but very quickly at home in the arms of Brad and Anna with his GSP brothers Jed and Casey by his side. It was such a peaceful and loving transition, exactly the right passing for this sweet, hilarious, and thoroughly joyful little bean. Anna and Brad packed more adventure, happiness and love into his short life than what most dogs could ever hope for or ever experience.
This absolutely perfect little boy, Rider, is now flying through the fields, surely with his other older brother Truckin and continuing to fill the world with his eternally joyful spirit.
We are so honored to celebrate you, little Rider, especially on this day, July 7, that would have been your very first birthday. And we celebrate, too, your remarkable family, Anna, Brad, Jed and Casey, who showed you what it feels like to be so deeply loved.