Adoption Process
If you have not owned a GSP before, make sure that this is the right breed for you by reading the information provided at About The GSP. This is not a breed for everyone so please be realistic in assessing your ability to provide what a GSP needs to be a happy dog.
The following are basic requirements for adopting one of our dogs:
You need to have a yard with a 5-6 ft. privacy fence. Keeping a dog with an extremely high prey drive contained and safe is our first priority. When a GSP sees prey on the other side of a non-privacy fence he or she can become obsessed with chasing down that prey. A 3-4 foot fence will not keep a GSP in the yard. And the anguished calls of an owner fall on deaf ears of a focused hunter. There are few exceptions to this requirement.
We do not adopt to families living in apartments. A GSP needs more room than most apartments provide. In addition, a safe outdoor exercise area with a privacy fence is essential. It can be stressful and frustrating for such an exuberant breed with so much energy to expend to be limited by the confines of apartment dwelling.
You need to be able to commit to regular, off-leash (running) exercise, preferably daily. This need for vigorous exercise is the hallmark of sporting breeds. Most GSPs, even many senior dogs, need at least 45 minutes a day of off-leash running in addition to any playtime you provide. This could take place in a dog park, in fields or on trails. We strongly recommend an e-collar (electronic collar) for off-leash training, a real necessity for controlling a GSP’s energy and prey drive. Once trained, a dog wearing an e-collar will be much safer and will quickly respond when called.
Generally, a GSP is not happy as an only dog. These dogs are very playful and get bored easily if left alone for very long. If that happens they can become destructive. GSPs can also become depressed and exhibit separation anxiety if left by themselves. They are pack dogs and don’t like being alone. There are some exceptions, usually older dogs, but most GSPs want and need a dog buddy to play with, especially if someone is not at home during at least part of the day.
The dog should not be left alone for more than 8 hours at most, and less alone time is better for this breed that adores it’s owner/family. This is even more important for a single dog. Longer than 7 or 8 hours can invite separation anxiety and potentially destructive behaviors. These truly are Velcro dogs. More than anything else, they want to be with you.
GSPs are wonderful family dogs. They love their pack and don’t like being separated from you. Very young children and young, exuberant GSPs, however, are, generally, not a good combination. These dogs are very rambunctious and can easily knock over a young child. In addition, youngsters often do not understand the danger of being too much in a dog’s face, of taking toys or food, of pestering a dog who doesn’t want to be bothered. We do not want to put a boisterous GSP in a situation that isn’t safe for both the child and the dog.
If you have a cat, please be reminded that most GSPs are very prey-driven. If a cat runs and darts, he or she is prey to most GSPs. It is not unlikely that a GSP with strong prey drive could kill a cat. Changing this instinctual GSP behavior is difficult at best. If, however, a GSP has been raised with a cat he or she may be able to co-exist with one. Even in that circumstance, however, an owner would need to exercise real caution to prevent a disastrous encounter. Just because a cat has previously lived successfully with a dog, it doesn’t mean the cat will be able to fend for itself with a new dog. A GSP is usually better off in a home without cats.
We strongly recommend having a crate for training and quiet time. Some GSPs actually like having their own space to escape to, especially if the door can be left open. Because they can see what is going on outside the crate, most GSPs seem to prefer wire crates. One way or another, these dogs want to be with their people. In addition, most GSP owners have learned the importance of training their pup on an e-collar. This is a training collar that teaches the dog to recall quickly, to not wander too far from the owner and, most importantly, to stay out of danger. It should not be used as punishment.
What does the adoption process look like?
Please be aware that our adoption process is usually not a quick one. At a shelter you can walk in looking for a dog and walk out the same day with that dog. We have a thorough process in place that involves reviewing applications, numerous phone calls, home visits and arranging schedules to set up meet and greets for dogs and potential adopters. All of this can take a few weeks. We are not trying to clear out a kennel so we can take in another dog. Our goal is not to turn around dogs as quickly as possible. Rather, our mission is to find exactly the right home for our pups and doing so takes time.